A young Muslim couple hold their kitten gently among some trees next to a lake on a sunny day

Despite what some people seem to think, cats are not small dogs!  They deserve the special attention that they demand.

A Siamese cat sits on an office chair and peers over the lip of the dining table at some steak cubes

Preparing for Surgery

In general, cats can have water all night. 

Just remove their access to food by 10–11 pm the night before surgery. 

A Calico cat lays on a comforter, partially upside down, looking playful


Cats are hard to rest.  I like to think of them as tiny house gremlins with no manners. 

If your cat is having major orthopedic surgery, then post-operative rest is very important. 

The best way to ensure you rest a cat is to borrow a large wire sided dog crate that can fit a litter box, a food area and a bed.  Place a harness on your cat so that as soon as the door opens, you can attach a leash to your cat so that they do not escape.

For less major surgery, confining your cat to one room of the house where they do not have a lot to jump on can be adequate.  Specific instructions will be written for all patients to go home with.

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